RealWear HMT-1Z1®

Firmware Release 12.3 Release Notes

This article provides release notes for RealWear HMT-1Z1® firmware release 12.3, which is updated to the latest security patch, additional features, and minor bug fixes.


This release is applicable to the HMT-1Z1 standard model. Any HMT-1Z1 sold by RealWear may update to this release. Earlier updates may need to be installed before 12.3.0 can be installed.

Note: Release notes are only a summary of what's new in this release.


Delivery Data
Item Description


RealWear Inc.

Model numbers

HMT-1Z1 (T1100S)

Firmware version


Build file name


Android Security Updates

Security updates released through the end of January 2022 have been incorporated into this release.

Kernel Deconfig Hardening Patch Removed

12-3 1

Bug Fixes and Known Issues

Bug fixes and improvements have been made for this release. Contact RealWear support for any details on specific fixes or issues.

Software Availability and Update Method


 Consult the RealWear Firmware Update and Support Policy if you have not done so.

The upgrade process for Release 12.3 is a simple one-step process that retains your data.

To receive the over-the-air update, users have to be on 12.3.1-01-C.HMT-1Z1.S.

For specific details on how to upgrade, visit the Wireless Update page in the RealWear Knowledge Center.

Android Security Updates

Security updates released through the end of January 2022 have been incorporated into this release.