RealWear HMT-1Z1®

Firmware Release 12.0 Release Notes


This Release Notes document is for the RealWear firmware release 12.0, update to Android 10.0 with security patch release and additional feature updates.  Any HMT-1Z1 ever sold by RealWear may update to this release (although earlier updates may need to be installed before 12.0.0 can be installed.)

For more details on this release not included in this article, see Release 12 Product Brief.


Delivery Data
Company RealWear Inc.
Model Number HMT-1Z1 (T1100S)
Firmware Version 12.0
Build File Name TBD

Release Notes

Release notes are only a summary of what’s new in this release. For more detailed information on using the features, consult the comprehensive documentation in RealWear’s Knowledge Center linked below in each section of the release notes.

2.1 Android 10

As part of RealWear’s ongoing commitment to long product lifecycles, RealWear’s device firmware and native applications have been upgraded to Android 10.

2.2 Android Security Updates

Security updates released through the end of January 2021 will be incorporated into this release.  Full list will be updated before the final commercial release.

2.3 Image Stabilization

  • Improvement in Video stabilization for video recording
  • Support for both HAL1 and HAL3 version of camera
  • Support for video stabilization during video streaming for 3rd party applications.

2.4 Improved cloud dictation

  • Introduction of a new cloud dictation engine for RealWear’s speech keyboard that delivers more accurate, responsive and grammatically correct results.
  • Note: cloud dictation for Indonesian language is not available with RealWear’s new cloud dictation engine.
    • When trying to use cloud dictation in Indonesian, users will be given a toast message letting them know that Indonesian dictation isn’t available and asks them to use another speech input method available in RealWear’s speech keyboard.
  • Apr 1, 2021 Cut over date
    • RealWear devices running firmware versions older than Release 12 will not have access to cloud dictation starting on Apr 1, 2021 .
    • To resolve this issue customers simply need to upgrade to Release 12.
    • For any HMT-1Z1 devices that experience this issue before Release 12 is generally available for the HMT-1Z1, the issue can be resolved by upgrading those devices to the early access version of Release 12.

2.5 Dutch language support

Dutch becomes RealWear’s 15th supported language with full language translation and cloud dictation.

2.6 RealWear Explorer Interoperability

  • Release 12 users who are using RealWear Explorer v4.1.0 will encounter a known issue with screen casting and device adb connection.
  • To fix the issue, download and install the new version of RealWear Explorer.

2.7 Summary of what’s changed in early access version six:

  1. Improved SD Card support
  2. Verified interoperability with multiple EMM providers
  3. Improved Image Stabilization with Dynamic Motion Blur Reduction
  4. Fixes/updates for Voice Commands not working

2.8  Bug Fixes, Known Issues & limitations

Bug fixes and improvements have been made for this release. Details on specific fixes are available upon request via RealWear support.

Software Availability and Update Method

  • The upgrade process for Release 12.0 is a simple one step upgrade process that retains your data
  • To receive the over the air update, HMT-1Z1 users have to be on 2.1-07-C.HMT-1Z1.S.
  • For specific details on how to upgrade, visit the Wireless update page in RealWear’s Knowledge Center.
  • Please consult RealWear’s Firmware Update and Support policy if you have not already.

Appendix 1 - Security Patch List

Click Appendix 1 - Security Patch List to view the security patch list for September 2020, October 2020, November 2020, December 2020, and January 2021.

Bug Fixes

The specific bugs that have been fixed will be provided in the release notes when available. The fixes are not only to the operating system, but also to the RealWear native applications that are shipped with the operating system. Several have been incorporated directly, in response to issues discovered by the ISV partner community.

Participating in Early Access

This release was made available for Beta Early Access beginning 05 Jan 2021. To be added to the Allow List for Firmware Early Access (on no more than three devices), fill out the form here. After completing the form you will can upgrade via a Firmware Over the Air (FOTA) upgrade within one business day. If you do not receive access after than, email

If you experience an unexpected result during the upgrade process, the device’s log files will detail the status of the device software and actions needed to complete the install process. Here is a guide to ensure your success during the update process.

Follow the update documentation outlined.

Providing Feedback

As always, provide complete information when contacting support to expedite the resolution process. Initiate the feedback via email with “” in the “To” and your dedicated RealWear contact(s) + James Gordey ( on “Cc”.

Items to include

  • Your contact information (Email & Phone Number)
  • HMT device serial number
  • ISV software & version
  • Actual behavior
  • Expected behavior
  • Steps to reproduce the behavior
  • Helpful images & device screenshots
  • Short videos
  • Log file(s) (You can capture this via RealWear Explorer,

Note: For best results enter the below adb command which provides much better information to our support and Engineering team than simple logcat

adb bugreport E:ReportsMyBugReports

RealWear encourages all product feedback. Send non-bug-related product feedback to James Gordey (, RealWear’s Device Software Product Manager, or via our Product Ideas portal.

Upgrading at or after General Availability

By default, the firmware will be available to all devices upon General Availability. When ready, the Release general availability will be announced across all RealWear communication channels. For specific details on how to upgrade and RealWear’s Firmware Availability Policy visit the Knowledge Center.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: According to RealWear’s Firmware update and support policy which releases will be supported once Release 12 is generally available?

As outlined in the firmware policy, effective 01 Jan 2021 RealWear’s firmware support is for “N-2” releases meaning that only Releases 11.2, 11.1 and 11.0 are supported. Once Release 12 is generally available, only Releases 12, 11.2 and 11.1 will be supported.

Links and Resources

  • Prior to GA, all RealWear Solution Engineering and Support Teams globally will be versed on the technical details of Release 12. Contact your solutions engineer for support or reach out directly through the general support email,
  • Upon product General Availability, User Guide updates and release notes are published to the RealWear Knowledge Center at The Release Notes will include step-by-step instructions on how to upgrade any device.
  • When possible, the Marketing Team – supported by the Product Team – create videos for the most compelling aspects of any release, as well as other communications.
  • As always, the Product Team can answer any questions not addressed by the above resources.