HMT Software Overview

My Files


RealWear’s My Files application is the platform for hands-free file navigation, providing robust access to and management of documents, photos & media files stored both locally on a RealWear device or an external drive


Out of the box, users can access My Media, My Documents, My Photos and, starting in Release 11.1, users will now have the ability to browse Microsoft OneDrive files, hardware mounted storage drives like an SD card or USB drive and the full local file system of a RealWear device.

Hierarchy of the File System

  • My Media
    • Audio: Audio Files captured in RealWear’s Audio Recorder application
    • Camera: Displays videos taken in RealWear’s My Camera application
  • My Documents: Shortcut access to documents that have been added to the RealWear device’s file system in the folder: My Drives>My Device>Documents
  • My Photos: Photos taken in RealWear’s My Camera Application
  • My Downloads: Any files that have been downloaded to the HMT-1 from another application
  • My Drives
    • My Device: All other files in the RealWear device’s local file system
    • OneDrive (If configured)
      • All files from user’s configured OneDrive account
    • Any hardware storage drives like an SD card or USB Drive that have been inserted into the RealWear device
      • All files from user’s hardware storage drive

Note: The below pieces of the file system hierarchy are only available in Releases 11.1 and later:

  • Audio within My Media
  • My Downloads
  • My Drives

User Experience and Voice Navigation

My Files can be launched from the Home Screen or via My Programs. Once My Files is open, users are presented with five options at the top level of the file system. Any of these can be opened by saying their name.

  1. My Media
  2. My Documents
  3. My Photos
  4. My Downloads
  5. My Drives


While on the top level screen of My Files, there are two unique options users have which aren’t available on any other screen:

  1. Access recently opened files by saying “MORE OPTIONS” then “RECENT FILES”

2. The ability to open a bookmarked file via a QR code for easy access by saying “MORE OPTIONS” then “SCAN BOOKMARK”. These bookmarks can be configured using RealWear’s Cloud Bookmark Tool.


There are also a number of voice commands that are persistent while browsing the entire file system which are called out in the table below and then explained in more detail.

Voice Command  Action 
“BACK ONE LEVEL” Navigates to the previous folder in the folder tree.
“SHOW HELP” Displays extra commands.
“MORE OPTIONS” Displays contextual options for each view.
“SORT FILES” Enables the ability to sort files. Files can be sorted by name, date or tags (when photo tagging has been configured)
“EDIT MODE” Used to delete files either individually or in bulk.

Opening Folders and Files

Any single place in the file system will contain a list of folders and files. Browse files by looking left or right, then select using the “SELECT ITEM #” or the file name to open the file. In the example below, to open the second image showing the LNG storage tank, we would say “SELECT ITEM 2” or “LNG STORAGE TANK”.


Sorting Folders and Files

Files can be sorted by name or date and filtered by tags (when photo tagging (link to photo tagging page) has been configured). In views with both folders and files, folders will always be shown first regardless of sorting. Voice commands to sort folders and files including details of sorting are outlined in the below table. To access sorting options say:

  3. Sorting option from below table
Voice Command  Action 
“BY NAME” Sorting folders and files by name will display them in A-Z order
“BY DATE” Sorting folders and files by date will display them in order of most recent to least recent


Deleting Folders and Files

You can delete the files from all pieces of the file system except for OneDrive which can only be viewed and sorted.

Step by Step Instructions

  1. Go to the My Media/My Documents/My Photos folder.
  2. Say “MORE OPTIONS”.
  3. Say “EDIT MODE”. The Edit screen with option to select one or more files is displayed.
  4. To select a specific file, you need to use the number assigned to it. For example, you can say “SELECT ITEM 3”, to select the third file, or “SELECT ITEM 5”, to select the fifth file.
  5. Repeat as needed to select multiple files.
  6. To select all files say “SELECT ALL ITEMS”.
  7. To delete the selected files, say “DELETE SELECTED” and “CONFIRM DELETION”.
  8. To cancel the delete and retain the files, say “CANCEL”.

Edit Mode Command List

Voice Command  Action 
“MORE OPTIONS” Open the Options panel.
“SELECT ITEM 1”, “SELECT ITEM 2” … Select an item by number.
“SELECT ALL ITEMS” Select all items.
“DELETE SELECTED” Delete selected item.
“CONFIRM DELETION” Confirm deletion of selected item.


Known Issues and Limitations

Release Issue
11.1 Files like audio,video,images and pdf opened from My Drives Folder are not shown in Recent Files.