My Apps

App Versions

When a new version of an app is added to an existing version, the app auto-updates on all devices that it is installed on. Foresight automatically makes the greater version number the current version.

Note: The package names must be identical. If a version is uploaded with a different package name, it will be saved as a new app.

Add a New Version

  1. In My Apps, click the app you want to update with a new version.
  2. Click Add New Version.

  3. Click the General availability or Beta (testing) radio button.
    Note: If the app status is CURRENT STABLE, select General availability. If the app status is CURRENT BETA, select Beta (testing).
  4. Enter information about the new version in the Release Notes
  5. Click Upload.

  6. Locate the APK on your computer and click Open.
  7. Wait for the APK to upload.

  8. Click Publish Version.
    Note: If you uploaded the wrong APK, click Replace File and locate the correct APK.

  9. The new version automatically updates to the current version used.


New Version Available

The apps on your device are updated based on the app version status. See the following table for more information.

Note: Devices and device groups can be on a General Availability (GA) track for one app and on a Beta track for another app. The apps on your devices will be updated according to the track they are on.

App Version for Devices
App Track App Version Status Net Result

GA track

New Current Stable

Devices and device groups are auto-updated with the new Current Stable version of the app.

GA track

New Current Beta

No device changes. Devices and device groups on the GA track will not update when a new Beta is published.

Beta track

New Current Stable

Devices and device groups are auto-updated with the new Current Stable version of the app.

The Beta track will always receive the latest Stable version of the app.

Beta track

New Current Beta

Devices and device groups are auto-updated with the new Current Beta version of the app.

The Beta track will always receive the latest Beta version of the app.